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If you are going through a family law matter, you know firsthand the emotional and financial toll it can take. Divorce, child custody battles, and relocation of children are just a few examples of the complex legal issues that families may face, and these situations can have long-lasting effects on people’s lives. However, with professional support, these situations can be help us evolve and move forward in life with hope. Chaudhry Solicitors is exactly where you can find the support and guidance that you need.

Our Expertise and Approach

Our experienced team has handled a wide range of family law cases, from simple uncontested divorces to high-stakes cases of child abduction. We understand that every family is unique, and we take the time to listen to our clients’ needs and concerns. Our approach is grounded in care and understanding, as well as pragmatism. We believe that by tailoring our approach to each client’s unique circumstances, we can achieve the most constructive solutions.

As a firm that values family harmony, we also encourage our clients to avoid disputes. Although we are experienced family law litigators, weactively promote alternative dispute resolution options such as mediation. We believe that by avoiding disputes and litigation, we can help preserve family harmony and minimize the emotional toll of legal proceedings.

Our Services

Our term is highly experienced in handling various family law matters.In particular, asspecialists in financial and children matters relating to relationship breakdown, we offer a wide range of family law services, including:

  • Divorce Law 
  • Financial consequences of divorce 
  • Judicial separation 
  • Separation agreements 
  • Pre- and post-nuptial agreements 
  • Jurisdiction disputes 
  • Children/ parenting disputes 
  • Child abduction 
  • International relocation of children 
  • Unmarried co-habitants and parents 
  • Enforcement and/or variation of court orders

At Chaudhry Solicitors, our team members are not just legal professionals. We are also fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters – compassionate individualswho understand the emotional challenges of family law matters, and we are here to help alleviate the burden.

Contact Us

If you are facing a family law matter, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team is here to help you through this difficult time with the highest level of service and support, so you and your family can move forward in harmony.


For any legal advice, contact our expert by scheduling an appointment.